One thing I missed within Drupal Commerce's (commerce.module) flexibility was to change line item values in already checked out orders. This is for example important, if you use custom fields in line items and want to change the values on users request (for customizable products for example).
I had to search a bit to find a robust solution, but finally I am very happy with the solution I'm describing in this blog post.
How to make Commerce line items editable?
The solution is quite simple! All you need is the inline_entity_form.module!
[UPDATE] Comment by bojanz: And for the best experience you should be using at least Inline Entity Form 1.5!
Then follow these steps:
- Just download and enable it as every other module.
- Then go to your order fields configuration (admin/commerce/config/order/fields).
- Edit your line item field in the order entity (admin/commerce/config/order/fields/commerce_line_items)
- Change the widget type to "Inline entity form - multiple values" (admin/commerce/config/order/fields/commerce_line_items/widget-type)
- Save and check out the order edit of any order (admin/commerce/orders/246/edit)
- Now you have **brand new** operation links in each line item line: Edit & Delete
- Click it and be happy! You can now change each line item :)
Feel free to leave a comment, if this post was helpful for you!
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